Gwynn's Island Baptist Church
Services each Sunday 10:am
Gwynn's Island Baptist Church located in Mathews County, VA on Gwynn's Island.
A growing church family who has regular Sunday Services for all ages.
Plus services including weddings, funerals, baptisms. Come try us out!
2011 Old Ferry Road, Gwynn, VA 23066
Sunday 10:00 AM Worship Service
We are having our services inside our sanctuary 10:00 AM
February Anniversary
Joe & Carol Anne Dixon 2/3/1964
February Birthdays
1 Felicia Wingard 3 Joe Dixon
4 Amber Jackson 4 Austin Owens
15 Mason Perry 15 Chandler Bell
17 Tyler Hudgins 18 Dan Hill
22 Ed Jordan 23 Tyrone Hudgins
24 Gary Hudgins 24 James Ray
26 Bill Carney 28 Gerard Huff
Tune in to FM radio station 100.7 to listen to our
service in you car!
Click here for the latest info on our Prayer Quilt Ministry.
We meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month, 6:30 P.M. in the Quilt Room
Gwynn’s Island Baptist Church in Mathews County is seeking a part-time Music Leader to help plan and lead the musical aspects of our church. Pay is negotiable based upon skills and productivity.
For additional information contact us at: 804-725-2384, or
If you have a need to share with one of our Deacon’s they can be reached by the following list and numbers:
*Steve Safrit: 804-854-6022
Wayne Pulley: 804-694-6601 Lori Oliver: 804-384-8283
Roxy Gwynn: 804-396-0855 Billy Lasher: 804-314-4426
Andy Bliley: 804-400-7903 Tyrone Hudgins: 804-384-3607
Tres Barrineau: 804-832-4831 Shannon Wheeler: 804-586-2732
Serving the Lord, by serving others!
Come Sail with us!!
We've started a new voyage reading the book "Sailboat Church"
The Wind is not in your control
but you can control your sail!
Below is an audio recording of the weekly reading. "Reading from Sailboat Church by Joan S. Gray. Used by permission of Westminster John Knox Press.
All rights reserved."
Welcome, and thank you for visiting Gwynn's Island Baptist Church online. We hope that our website highlights the wide variety of worship, fellowship and service opportunities available. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor.
Men's Bible Study group meets Tues, 8:30AM in the Sun Room.
Worship Service begins at 10:00 A.M.
Women's Bible study resumes 1/5/2023, 10AM
Island Praise practice Wednesdays 6:00 P.M.
Prayer Quilting, second Tuesday each month, 6:30 PM, Nursery
Our church offers a traditional setting for your most sacred, biblical, Christian wedding.
(cf. Matthew 19:4-5; I Cor. 7:3-4)
Our Mission
"Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in... hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer. Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality." Romans 12:11-13
There is only one God Who exists in Three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Jesus was God in flesh, was born of a virgin, and was both God and man.
He lived a sinless life, died in our place as a sacrifice for the sins of mankind, was buried, arose from the grave, and ascended into heaven.
Through the Holy Spirit, God is at work, convincing unbelievers of their need for salvation, and is the Comforter and Guide to every believer.
January 19, 2025
Call to Worship: “Soon and Very Soon”
“He Will Not Let You Fall”
“You Are My All in All”
Special Music: Michele Thacker
Scripture: Rev. 1:4-8; Jn 14:23; Phil. 2:13
Message: "God’s Unmatchable Gift” Dr. Ed Jordan
Closing Song: May the Lord
If you’d like to give an offering, you can do so as you exit
January 26, 2025
Call to Worship: Jesus is Lord Alleluia!”
“All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name”
“Surely the Presence”
“Happy Birthday”
Special Music: Tyrone Hudgins
Special Music: Ada Barnes
Scripture: Rev. 1:9-20
Message: “Jesus and His Churches” Dr. Ed Jordan
Closing Song: May the Lord
This Week's Sermon
As You Pray:
Kenneth Carter (Casey Frame) Angela Berry (Sissy Ray)
Natallie Anne Hecht (Martha Frame) Tom Holaday (John Raymond Bassett)
Lisa Callis Conway (Cathy Owens) Nancy Hudgins (Deb Buchanan)
Jack & Janice Carney (Jodie Nelson) Joan Ritter (Minnie Ethel Bassett)
Anastasia Bodurtha (Jodie Nelson) Jerry Matyiko (Casey Frame)
Seth & Mary Clark (Casey Frame)
Lee & Debbie Dawson (Cheryl Dale) Woody & Wanda Haley (Dan & Carla Hill)
Homer Smith (Jimmie Rowe) Harriet Whitener (Jodi Nelson)
Woody Cofer (Casey Frame) Jason Schools & family (Pat Hudgins)
Marie Stanley (Betty Cato) Rebecca Beasley and Family (Pat Hudgins)
Brad Dugai (Martha Frame) Gibson family (Jodie Nelson)
Jody Quint (Pat Hudgins) Carol Anne Reynolds (Jerry Ligon)
Ronnie Ray (Deb Buchanan) Michael & Ruth Kusheba (Casey Frame)
Amber Canelon (Faye Crockett) Ralyne Hall (Viki A Gwynn)
Katherine Hutchins (Gib Pulley) Lori Gallup Hudgins (Carol Anne Dixon)
Kelly Bourque Burns (Karen Bourque) Jenny Lasher (Ed Jordan)
Brian Lane (Jan Bassett) Jim Flann (Betty Cato)
Taren Thomas (Tiffanie Wheeler) Lynnette Mitchem (Shelby South)
Jackie Goodrich (Deb Buchanan) Marilyn Tokui (Lori Oliver)
Patty & Robert Leager (Jodie Nelson) Jamie Surface (Billy & Jenny Lasher)
MacCue & MJ Conway (Cheryl Dale) Diane Sadler (Pat Hudgins)
Helen Pritchett (Pat Hudgins) Suzanne Heil (Roxy Gwynn)
Tom Edwards (Martha Frame) Laurie Walden (Anna Jenkins)
Barb Lewis (Jodie Nelson) Sara Melanson-Davis (Betty Cato)
John & Betty Cato (Ed Jordan) Bill & Caren Figge (Jodie Nelson)
The Barletts (Jodie Nelson) Rick Burch & Jacquie Lezama (Pat Hudgins)
Marie Stanley (Betty Cato) Mary Ann Caldwell (Ed Jordan)
Rob Jenkins & Family (Pat Hudgins) Reid Wilson (Jodie Nelson)
Denise Fletcher (Rhonda Ramsey) Kathy Burchell (Minnie Ethel Bassett)
Kevin Smith (Lelia Lampkin) Ashley McBurney (Anna Jenkins)
Paul Bing (Tiffanie Wheeler) Scott Fuller (Betty Cato)